The What & The Why of D2C Campaigns

Discover how WhatsApp Broadcasting elevates D2C campaigns, reduces churn, increases CLV, and delivers 98% open rates. Boost customer engagement and sales effectively.

The What & The Why of D2C Campaigns

The Potential of WhatsApp Broadcasting and more

There are some important “why’s” of addressing a current customer base:

  • Keeping churn low
  • Keeping CLV high
  • Even in the face of ever-growing high acquisition costs
  • Thus creating a stable revenue base
  • And avoiding the “sinking ship” effect 

With this in mind, we selected strategies most fundamental to improve statistics like CLV, AOV, and churn; pivotal to a brands’ long-term success

Potential of WhatsApp Broadcasting

In today’s competitive Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) landscape, customer acquisition costs (CAC) are at an all-time high, leaving Indian brands to find more cost-effective ways to boost revenue. Retaining customers and increasing the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) has become critical to long-term sustainability. With over 500 million active WhatsApp users in India, WhatsApp Broadcasting is emerging as a game-changer for D2C brands.

But why WhatsApp? Why not just email, social media, or SMS? WhatsApp offers 98% open rates and 45-60% click-through rates (CTR), significantly outperforming other digital marketing channels. This blog explores the key role of D2C marketing campaigns, and how WhatsApp Broadcasting stands at the forefront of this battle to boost revenue, improve customer retention, and strengthen overall brand performance.

Why WhatsApp Broadcasting Works for D2C Brands

1. Ubiquity and Engagement:
WhatsApp has penetrated almost every demographic in India, from Tier I to Tier III cities, making it the most accessible platform for brands to connect with their customers.

  • 500 million + active users in India.
  • 98% open rates – compared to email’s 22-25% open rate.
  • 60-second response time – on average, customers respond to WhatsApp messages within one minute, compared to 60 minutes for email and 10 minutes for SMS.

2. Cost Efficiency:
Running campaigns via WhatsApp costs significantly less compared to running ads on Google, Facebook, or other social platforms. With increasing ad fatigue and rising costs on these platforms, brands are seeing a 3x return on investment from WhatsApp marketing.

Cost Efficiency

WhatsApp Broadcasting: A Comparison with Other Channels

WhatsApp Broadcasting: A Comparison with Other Channels

Most popular Campaigns across platforms

1. Rekindling the Shopping Spark (Win-back Campaigns)

The What

In the world of eCommerce, a Win-back campaign is a smart marketing move aimed at reconnecting with customers (Reactivating Dormant Customers) who haven't visited your store in a bit. The idea is to give them a gentle nudge, reminding them of what they've been missing out on, and hopefully enticing them to come back and make a purchase.

The Why

Using personalised incentives to reach out to previous customers, eCommerce businesses can boost their revenue potential while also improving customer retention rates.

→ Increase revenue, Lower customer churn, Build loyalty with customers, Increase customer retention

Win-back campaigns reduce churn by 8-12% and can increase revenue by 15-20%. Brands see 20-30% higher re-engagement rates on WhatsApp compared to email or SMS campaigns.

Bewakoof, implemented a WhatsApp win-back campaign targeting customers who hadn’t purchased in over 60 days. By offering a 10% personalised discount, the brand achieved a 12% reactivation rate and boosted monthly revenue by 15%.

WhatsApp Win-Back

Channels - WhatsApp, Email, Mobile Marketing, Website Personalisation (WAR, Pop-Up, Banner)

2. Discovering More, Discovering Right (Cross-sell Campaigns)

The What

Ever been shopping online and seen those 'You might also like…' suggestions? That's cross-selling in action! This approach not just improves the shopping journey with helpful suggestions but also boosts the average order value and overall revenue for the online store.

The Why

Elevate customer satisfaction levels, boost average transaction values, and generate more substantial profits.

→ Increase order value, Increase order frequency, Increase customer lifetime

value, Increase conversion rate

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication

3. Upgrade (Upsell Campaigns)

The What

 It's all about showing tempting upgrade options while they're making their purchase, often resulting in more sales and happier customers for online stores.

The Why

By effectively highlighting the extra benefits of premium choices, eCommerce businesses can boost their average order values and make the most of their sales opportunities.

→ Increase order value, Increase order frequency, Increase customer lifetime

value, Increase conversion rate

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication

4. Complete More Purchases (Abandoned Cart Campaigns)

The What

Cart abandonment is a major issue for ecommerce brands, with 69% of shopping carts abandoned on average. WhatsApp can help brands recover lost sales by sending personalised, time-sensitive reminders.

It's like giving them a friendly reminder, sending automated messages with incentives to encourage them to come back and complete their transaction.

The Why

Ecommerce businesses can recover sales that might otherwise be lost, and boost their overall conversion rates.

WhatsApp abandoned cart campaigns can increase cart recovery rates by 25-30%, significantly outperforming email (with 10-15% recovery rates).

→ Increase revenue, Increase conversion rate

Neeman’s ran an abandoned cart recovery campaign through WhatsApp, reminding customers of items left in their cart with a 5% discount. This simple reminder boosted their cart recovery rate by 28%, contributing to a 10% increase in total monthly revenue.

Cart Recovery Rate

Channels - WhatsApp, Email, Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Custom Audience

5. Reconnect & Rediscover (Retargeting Campaigns)

The What

By reaching out to these potential customers on different online platforms like social media or display advertising, eCommerce businesses hope to draw them back to the site, keep their interest alive, and motivate them to become paying customers.

The Why

To optimise the return on their advertising investments.

→ Increase order value, Increase order frequency, Increase revenue

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication 

6. Personalised Flash Sales: Quick Engagement, Higher Conversions

The What

Flash sales have always been a high-converting strategy for D2C brands. WhatsApp allows you to instantly notify customers about time-sensitive deals, creating a sense of urgency that drives sales.

The Why

The real-time engagement capabilities of WhatsApp can lead to 3-4x higher sales during flash sale campaigns compared to email or social media announcements. By using personalised messages, brands can offer exclusive deals to select customers, improving conversion rates by up to 30%.

Sales Uplift

boAt ran a WhatsApp-exclusive flash sale during Diwali 2022. Offering a 15% discount on select products, they saw a 40% increase in sales compared to their email-only campaigns from the previous year. The campaign had a 98% open rate and 55% CTR, outperforming all other channels

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication .

7. Automated Customer Support and Query Resolution

The What

WhatsApp Broadcasting isn’t just for sales—it’s also effective for resolving customer queries and managing support tickets. Brands can automate responses to common queries and escalate issues when necessary, reducing overall support costs.

The Why

An automated customer support system via WhatsApp reduces query resolution times by 50-60%, while improving customer satisfaction rates. WhatsApp messages have response times that are 4x faster than email.

WhatsApp messages have response times

Plum Goodness uses WhatsApp to manage customer support queries and post-purchase communication. By automating FAQ responses, they reduced their customer support response time from 24 hours to just 60 seconds. This improvement increased customer satisfaction by 30% and saved 20% on support costs.

Channels - WhatsApp, Email, Mobile Marketing, Website Personalisation (WAR, Pop-Up, Banner)

8. Promoting New Product Launches

The What

Launching a new product? WhatsApp is perfect for delivering early-bird access to loyal customers, ensuring they’re the first to know about your new offerings.

The Why

Brands that use WhatsApp Broadcasting for product launches see 35-50% faster sell-through rates. The combination of early access and personalised messages generates excitement and boosts sales.

used WhatsApp to announce the launch of its Vitamin C skincare range, sending exclusive early-access messages to its VIP customers. The campaign resulted in 30% higher pre-orders compared to their previous launch using email and social media.

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication 

9. Festive Campaigns: Capitalising on Seasonal Trends

The What

Festivals in India are major shopping events, making festive campaigns critical for D2C brands. WhatsApp Broadcasting allows you to run personalised, time-sensitive campaigns targeting customers with exclusive offers during these periods.

The Why

Festive campaigns run via WhatsApp see 50% faster sales conversions than campaigns run solely through email or SMS. With real-time engagement, brands can send festive greetings, exclusive coupons, and personalised product suggestions to drive sales during peak periods like Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, or Christmas.

Chumbak used WhatsApp Broadcasting during Diwali 2023 to offer flash discounts on their latest collection. The campaign had a 98% open rate, and within 3 hours, they sold 35% of their festive stock, generating 30% more revenue than their previous email campaign.

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication 

10. Back-in-Stock Notifications: Instant Re-Engagement

The What

Sending back-in-stock alerts for products that customers were interested in is one of the best ways to re-engage them. WhatsApp allows for instant notifications, ensuring customers don’t miss out on products they want.

The Why

Brands that use WhatsApp for back-in-stock notifications see a 20-25% increase in sales for those items, as customers are more likely to act on a real-time update.

Sales Increase

FabAlley implemented WhatsApp notifications for back-in-stock products. This simple strategy increased their sales for popular items by 22% within 48 hours of sending the notification.

Channels - WhatsApp, Email. Mobile Marketing, Web Push, Mobile Push, Custom Audience, Google Ads, Website Communication 

11. Feedback Collection & NPS Surveys: Immediate Customer Insights

The What

Collecting customer feedback is critical to improving product offerings and overall customer experience. WhatsApp Broadcasting can be used to send post-purchase surveys and Net Promoter Score (NPS) requests.

The Why

WhatsApp surveys see a 40-45% response rate, far outperforming email surveys, which average just 10-15%. Quick feedback helps brands act faster on customer issues, improving their product or service offering based on real-time insights.

Real-Life Example:
used WhatsApp Broadcasting to collect post-purchase feedback on its new range of organic products. The campaign received a 42% response rate, helping them improve their offerings and service based on customer feedback within 24 hours.

12. Referral Campaigns: Turning Customers into Advocates

The What

Referral campaigns incentivize existing customers to refer friends and family to the brand, often offering discounts or freebies in return. WhatsApp is a perfect channel for this, as it's designed for instant sharing and communication between users.

The Why

Referral campaigns drive new customer acquisition at a lower cost. WhatsApp referral programs have been found to generate 3x higher engagement compared to other digital referral methods, due to the personal nature of messaging.

Whatsapp referrals rates

Sugar Cosmetics used WhatsApp for their referral program, allowing customers to invite friends to shop in exchange for a 10% discount. This resulted in a 35% increase in new customer acquisition with a ₹150 CPA, much lower than their usual digital ad spend.

Channels - WhatsApp, Email, Mobile Marketing, Website Personalisation (WAR, Pop-Up, Banner)

13. Early Access & VIP Campaigns: Creating Exclusivity

The What

Rewarding loyal customers with early access to sales or new collections builds exclusivity and deepens the relationship with high-value customers. WhatsApp Broadcasting allows brands to notify VIP customers of new product launches before anyone else.

The Why

Brands that run VIP early access campaigns via WhatsApp see 30-40% higher sales conversion rates from their VIP customers.

Whatsapp VIP Campaign

Nykaa Fashion ran an early access campaign via WhatsApp for their VIP customers during their annual sale event. The campaign resulted in 35% higher sales conversion among VIP customers, with 60% of VIPs making a purchase within 48 hours of receiving the message.

Channels - WhatsApp, Email, Mobile Marketing, Website Personalisation (WAR, Pop-Up, Banner)


  • WhatsApp Broadcasting is a powerful tool for Indian D2C brands to reach their customers effectively.
  • Why it works:some text
    • Personalised, real-time messages.
    • Higher engagement compared to traditional channels.
    • 3x higher referral engagement than email campaigns.
  • Key Campaign Benefits:some text
    • Win-back Campaigns: Reduce churn by 25%.
    • VIP Loyalty Programs: Boost repeat purchase rates by 40%.
    • Cross-Selling: Increase Average Order Value (AOV) by 15-20%.
  • Real-World Examples:some text
    • Nykaa: Achieved a 40% higher response rate with 24-hour LTO campaigns via WhatsApp.
    • Mamaearth: 70% sell-through within 24 hours using pre-launch WhatsApp broadcasts.
    • Sugar Cosmetics: Reduced CPA to ₹150 with WhatsApp referral campaigns.
  • Impact on Metrics:some text
    • Increase CLV by up to 30%.
    • Reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%.
    • Improve conversion rates by 15-20%.

WhatsApp Broadcasting is a game-changer for brands looking to grow sustainably, reduce costs, and improve customer retention.

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