Get Triggered: Leveraging Triggered Actions

Discover how triggered actions like SLA breach alerts, cart recovery, and user segmentation can enhance D2C ecommerce performance in India, boosting efficiency and revenue.

To Enhance the D2C Ecommerce Experience in India

Getting triggered may mean different things depending on the generation category you fall under 😜

But be it Gen-Z or Millenial, the brand you run needs a set of triggers…


Think of triggered actions for D2C brands like setting up a series of dominoes. Each domino represents a customer action or behaviour (or even logistic/other partner actions) and when one falls, it triggers a chain reaction of events.

That's how things like ‘Trigger based Messaging’ work, to notify customers and more. But triggers are much more vast than that.

Make sure Conversations

Leveraging Triggered Actions

1. SLA Breach Triggers


Real-time analytics and monitoring systems are employed to detect SLA breaches. This can include tools for gathering operational metrics, coupled with visualising data trends in real-time.

Stages of Example Triggers:

  • Pre-breach Alert: Trigger when service delivery approaches the SLA limit.
  • Breach Notification: Trigger upon actual SLA breach to alert management and customer support teams.
  • Post-breach Analysis: Automated trigger for data analysis to determine the breach's cause and impact.


The key performance indicator here is the reduction in SLA breach occurrences and the response time to potential breaches. D2C brands that have implemented advanced monitoring systems typically see a 25% reduction in SLA breaches within the first quarter of deployment.

The effectiveness of SLA breach triggers is measured by:

  • Reduction in Breach Frequency: Percentage decrease in the number of SLA breaches post-implementation.
  • Response Time Improvement: Reduction in response time to potential breaches compared to pre-implementation.
  • Customer Satisfaction Impact: Feedback scores indicating customer satisfaction with service levels and responsiveness.

Implementation Example:

For a D2C brand implementing SLA breach triggers:

SLA breach triggers

Let's assume an average SLA breach fine is ₹5,000 per incident for a medium-sized D2C company. Prior to implementing a real-time monitoring solution, the company experiences approximately 20 breaches per month, totaling a monthly loss of ₹100,000. After the implementation of triggers:

  • Monthly breaches reduced by 25%: Only 15 breaches occur.
  • Monthly financial saving: Reduction in breaches saves ₹25,000 per month.
  • Annual saving: ₹300,000.


The improvement in SLA adherence enhances brand reputation and customer satisfaction, potentially increasing customer retention and decreasing churn due to dissatisfaction.

2. Return and Exchange Triggers


Automated systems for managing returns to route queries and process returns efficiently.

Stages of Example Triggers:

  • Return Initiation Trigger: Automated instructions for return process upon request.
  • Return Status Update Trigger: Regular updates about the return status until resolution.
  • Feedback Request Trigger: Post-resolution feedback to gauge customer satisfaction.
Return Initiation Trigger


The primary metric is the effectiveness of triggered actions in resolving customer issues or enhancing engagement, measured by:

  • Response Rate: Percentage of triggers resulting in a customer response or action.
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of triggered actions leading to a desired outcome (e.g., successful resolution, repeat purchase).
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Feedback scores indicating customer satisfaction with the triggered actions.

Implementation Examples:

For a D2C brand implementing triggered actions for damaged products and customer dissatisfaction:

  • Response Rate: 80% of customers respond to triggered actions within 24 hours.
  • Conversion Rate: 70% of triggered replacements result in successful resolution, while 60% of coupon triggers lead to a subsequent purchase.
  • CSAT Score: Average CSAT score of 4.5 out of 5 reported by customers who experienced triggered actions.
D2C brand implementing triggered

For a brand handling 100 returns a month with an average handling cost of ₹1,000 per return, efficiency improvements can reduce costs:

  • Monthly Return Handling Cost: ₹100,000.
  • Cost Reduction Post-Implementation: 25%.
  • Monthly Savings: ₹25,000.
Monthly Return Handling Cost


Monthly savings due to faster processing improving customer satisfaction, and potentially higher retention rates.

4. User Segmentation Triggers


Segmenting users based on their behaviour, preferences, and purchase history allows for more personalised marketing. Implementing automated triggers for these segments can significantly enhance targeting efficiency.

  • Personalised campaigns based on user segmentation see a 15% higher open rate and a 30% higher click-through rate (CTR) than generic campaigns.
  • Segmented campaigns increase revenue by 760% compared to non-segmented ones.

Technical Implementation:

  1. Behaviour-Based Segmentation: Create segments based on browsing history, cart activity, and past purchases.
  2. Automated Campaigns: Trigger personalised emails or SMS campaigns based on the segment’s behaviour.
  3. Dynamic Content: Use dynamic content blocks in emails that adapt based on user segments.

Segmentation Campaign Metrics

Segmentation Campaign Metrics

5. Cross-Sell and Upsell Triggers


Cross-selling and upselling can significantly increase average order value. Automated triggers help suggest additional products based on the customer’s previous purchases.

  • Cross-selling and upselling strategies can boost average order value by up to 20%.
  • Personalisation in cross-selling increases conversion rates by 25%

Technical Implementation:

  1. Purchase-Based Recommendations: Trigger product recommendations based on recent purchases.
  2. Dynamic Bundling: Offer product bundles or related items automatically in follow-up emails or on the website.
  3. Personalised Offers: Send targeted offers for higher-value products based on purchase history.

Cross-Sell and Upsell Efficiency

Cross-Sell and Upsell Efficiency

3. Chatbot Triggers


Implementation of AI-enabled chatbots integrated with messaging platforms like WhatsApp to provide instant and personalised customer support round the clock.

Stages of Example Triggers:

  • Initial Inquiry Handling: Chatbots respond to common customer queries regarding product information, order status, and shipping details.
  • Order Assistance: Chatbots assist customers in tracking their orders, making modifications, or initiating returns/exchanges.
  • Issue Resolution: Chatbots troubleshoot common issues like payment failures, login problems, or technical glitches, offering step-by-step guidance or escalating to human agents when necessary.


For a D2C brand implementing chatbots for customer support:

  • Resolution Rate: 70% of customer issues are successfully resolved by the chatbot.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Average CSAT score of 4.7 reported by customers after interacting with the chatbot.
  • Average Response Time: Chatbot responds to customer inquiries within an average of 10 seconds.
Resolution Rate

Assuming a D2C brand receives 500 customer inquiries per day:

  • Initial Average Response Time: 2 hours per inquiry.
  • Post-Chatbot Implementation Response Time: Reduced to 30 minutes per inquiry.
Post-Chatbot Implementation Response Time


Implementing chatbots significantly reduces response time,frees up human agents to focus on more complex queries and tasks, leading to overall operational efficiency and cost savings.

4. RTO and NDR Triggers


Advanced logistics and tracking systems integrated with automated communication tools such as SMS and WhatsApp to handle RTO and non-delivery reports effectively.

Stages of Example Triggers:

  • RTO Detection Trigger: Automated alert triggered upon detection of returned packages to the origin due to delivery failure.
  • Resolution Trigger: Immediate action triggered to address the RTO, such as rescheduling delivery, updating address details, or initiating a refund or replacement.
  • Initial NDR Trigger: Automated alert when a delivery fails for the first time, detailing the reason for non-delivery and asking for customer confirmation or alternate instructions.
  • Follow-up NDR Trigger: If no response is received within 24 hours, a second notification is sent to prompt action or to confirm a redelivery schedule.
  • Final NDR Resolution Trigger: After repeated non-delivery and customer non-response, a final message is sent to inform the customer of the return of the package to the warehouse and the options available for refund or redelivery.


Reduction in package return rates and improved successful delivery rates are key metrics. Typically, businesses see a 15-20% decrease in return to origin (RTO) incidents after implementing effective NDR management systems.

The effectiveness of handling RTO triggers is measured by:

  • Reduction in RTO Rate: Percentage decrease in the rate of return to origin incidents post-implementation.
  • Resolution Rate: Percentage of RTO cases successfully resolved through automated actions.
  • Customer Satisfaction Impact: Feedback scores indicating customer satisfaction with the resolution process.

The effectiveness of NDR triggers is measured by:

  • Resolution Rate: Percentage of NDR cases successfully resolved through automated actions.
  • Response Rate: Percentage of customers responding to follow-up messages or taking necessary actions to resolve NDR issues.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Feedback scores indicating customer satisfaction with the resolution process.

Implementation Results:

Assuming a medium-sized D2C brand faces a 10% NDR rate on 1,000 monthly shipments:

  • Monthly Shipments Affected by NDR: 100 shipments.
  • Improved Successful Delivery Rate Post-Implementation (20% improvement): 80 successful recoveries of initial NDR shipments.
Monthly Shipments Affected


Operational efficiency that boosts customer trust and retention, as customers are more likely to return to a brand that effectively manages delivery issues.

5. Feedback Collection Triggers


Integration of Omnichannel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools with automated survey platforms and messaging services like WhatsApp or email, which enable seamless feedback collection post-interaction or post-delivery.

Stages of Example Triggers:

  • Immediate Feedback Request: Sent immediately after product delivery or service completion to capture the customer's initial impressions.
  • Follow-up Feedback Request: If the customer does not respond to the initial request, a follow-up is sent 3 days later.
  • Incentivised Feedback Request: A final attempt to gather feedback by offering a discount or future purchase incentive, sent 7 days after the initial request if no feedback has been provided.

Implementation Example:

For a D2C brand implementing feedback collection triggers:

  • Response Rate: 40% of customers respond to feedback requests.
  • Completion Rate: 30% of feedback forms sent are completed by customers.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Average NPS of 8.5 based on feedback received.
D2C brand implementing feedback collection triggers

For a D2C brand that normally gets feedback from only 10% of its 500 monthly transactions:

  • Initial Monthly Feedback Responses: 50 (10% of 500 transactions).
  • Post-trigger Implementation Feedback Responses: 150 (30% of 500 transactions, reflecting a 20% increase).
Monthly Feedback Responses


Valuable insights that can drive product improvements, service enhancements - directly contributes to refining the customer experience and operational adjustments, which can further elevate the brand experience.

Similar trigger actions can be practically implemented with respect to individual brand needs for:

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery
  • Triggered Checkout Reminders (cross-selling & upselling)
  • Order Confirmation and Updates
  • WhatsApp & other socials
  • Special Promotions/Alerts

And more.

6. Inventory Replenishment Triggers


Effective inventory management is crucial for maintaining sales momentum and customer satisfaction. Automated triggers for inventory replenishment can prevent stockouts and overstock situations.

  • Automated inventory triggers can reduce stockouts by up to 40% 
  • 30% of companies with automated inventory management see a reduction in excess stock by 25% 

Technical Implementation:

  1. Low Stock Alerts: Trigger automatic reordering or stock alerts when inventory falls below a certain threshold.
  2. Restock Notifications: Automatically notify customers when out-of-stock items are available again.
  3. Supplier Integration: Integrate with suppliers for automated inventory replenishment based on real-time data.

Inventory Management Efficiency

Inventory Management Efficiency

7. Abandoned Search Triggers


Abandoned searches, where users start a search but don’t complete it, are a goldmine for triggered actions. Re-engaging these users can recover lost opportunities.

  • Abandoned search triggers can increase recovery rates by up to 18% 
  • 45% of users who receive reminders for abandoned searches complete their purchase 

Technical Implementation:

  1. Search Reminder Emails/SMS: Automatically send reminders based on abandoned search queries.
  2. Personalised Search Results: Include personalised search results or related product recommendations in follow-up communications.
  3. Retargeting Ads: Trigger retargeting ads based on the search queries to bring users back to the site.

Abandoned Search Recovery

Abandoned Search Recovery

8. Loyalty Program Triggers


Automating loyalty program interactions helps maintain engagement and reward customer loyalty effectively. Automated triggers ensure customers are continuously motivated to participate.

  • Implementing automated loyalty triggers can increase program participation by 50% 
  • Loyal customers are 50% more likely to make repeat purchases.

Technical Implementation:

  1. Points Accumulation: Trigger notifications when customers earn or use loyalty points.
  2. Tier Upgrades: Automatically notify customers of their progression to higher loyalty tiers.
  3. Reward Redemptions: Send reminders or special offers when rewards are available for redemption.

Loyalty Program Automation Impact

Loyalty Program Automation Impact

9. Inventory Allocation Triggers

Pre-Purchase & Post-Purchase

Efficient inventory allocation ensures that stock is available at the right locations to meet demand. Automated triggers can help manage inventory distribution dynamically.

  • Businesses using automated inventory allocation see a 20% reduction in stockouts 
  • Effective inventory allocation can reduce excess stock by 25% 

Technical Implementation:

  1. Demand Forecasting: Trigger inventory reallocation based on predictive analytics of customer demand by region.
  2. Geographic Stock Distribution: Automate stock movement between warehouses based on regional sales data.
  3. Automated Alerts: Notify warehouse managers when stock needs to be redistributed or when certain locations are overstocked/understocked.

Inventory Allocation Efficiency

Inventory Allocation Efficiency

10. Customer Journey Triggers

Pre-Purchase & Post-Purchase

Understanding and optimising the customer journey can lead to better conversion rates and customer satisfaction. Automated triggers can guide users through their journey more effectively.

  • Personalisation of customer journeys can increase conversion rates by 30% 
  • 70% of consumers expect personalised journeys across multiple channels 

Technical Implementation:

  1. Journey Mapping: Automate triggers based on user behaviour across different touchpoints (website, app, email).
  2. Behaviour-Based Messaging: Send targeted messages or offers based on where the user is in their journey (e.g., abandoned product pages, recent searches).
  3. Dynamic Pathways: Adjust user pathways dynamically based on their actions, such as offering special discounts to users who frequently visit but don’t purchase.

Customer Journey Optimisation

Customer Journey Optimisation

11. Subscription Management Triggers

Pre-Purchase & Post-Purchase

For brands offering subscription services, managing subscriptions effectively is key. Automated triggers can help manage renewals, cancellations, and customer engagement.

  • Brands with automated subscription management see a 15% increase in retention rates 
  • Automated reminders for renewals can reduce churn by up to 25%

Technical Implementation:

  1. Renewal Notifications: Automate notifications for upcoming subscription renewals.
  2. Cancellation Triggers: Send offers or incentives to prevent cancellations when a customer initiates a cancellation request.
  3. Engagement Campaigns: Trigger special offers or content to engage subscribers and encourage long-term retention.

Subscription Management Impact

Subscription Management Impact

12. Order Fulfilment Triggers


Automating order fulfilment triggers helps streamline the process from order placement to delivery, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  • Companies using automated order fulfilment systems report a 30% improvement in order processing time
  • 75% of consumers expect their orders to be delivered within a week, and automated triggers can help meet these expectations

Technical Implementation:

  1. Order Processing Triggers: Automatically assign orders to fulfilment centres based on inventory and geographic location.
  2. Shipping Notifications: Send real-time updates on shipping status and expected delivery times.
  3. Exception Handling: Trigger alerts and workflows for handling order exceptions such as delays or issues with shipment.

Order Fulfilment Efficiency

Order Fulfilment Efficiency

13. Cart Recovery Triggers


Automated cart recovery triggers can help recover lost sales by re-engaging customers who have abandoned their shopping carts.

  • Automated cart recovery triggers can recover up to 30% of abandoned carts 
  • 44% of cart abandonment emails are opened, and 30% of these result in a purchase 

Technical Implementation:

  1. Abandonment Emails/SMS: Trigger follow-up emails or SMS messages to remind users of their abandoned carts.
  2. Discount Incentives: Include special offers or discounts to encourage completion of the purchase.
  3. Dynamic Product Reminders: Send reminders for products left in the cart, highlighting related or complementary items.

Cart Recovery Performance

Cart Recovery Performance

14. Product Review Triggers


Encouraging product reviews through automated triggers can provide valuable feedback and boost customer trust.

  • Automated review requests can increase the volume of reviews by 50% 
  • 63% of customers are more likely to purchase a product with reviews

Technical Implementation:

  1. Review Request Emails/SMS: Automatically trigger requests for reviews after product delivery.
  2. Incentive-Based Requests: Offer discounts or rewards in exchange for leaving a review.
  3. Review Monitoring: Automatically categorise and respond to reviews based on sentiment analysis.

Review Collection Efficiency

Review Collection Efficiency

15. Customer Retention Triggers


Retaining customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. Automated retention triggers can help maintain and strengthen customer relationships.

  • Retention-focused triggers can increase customer lifetime value by 20%
  • 44% of companies that automate retention processes see a reduction in churn rates by up to 25% 

Technical Implementation:

  1. Re-Engagement Campaigns: Trigger campaigns for customers who haven’t interacted with the brand for a while.
  2. Loyalty Offers: Automatically send special offers or discounts to loyal customers.
  3. Personalised Follow-Ups: Use customer data to tailor follow-up messages and offers based on previous interactions.

Retention Trigger Impact

Retention Trigger Impact

To Wrap it Up:

Incorporating triggered actions into your D2C ecommerce strategy is a game-changer. By automating responses to customer behaviour and operational events, you can drive efficiencies, boost customer satisfaction, and increase overall profitability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Efficiency Gains: Automation reduces manual intervention, leading to faster response times and more accurate processing, which enhances operational efficiency.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalised and timely triggers improve customer interactions, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Increased Revenue: Well-implemented triggers, from cart recovery to subscription management, directly impact your bottom line by reducing churn and increasing conversions.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging real-time data and automated responses helps in making informed decisions and adapting quickly to market changes.

By effectively deploying triggered actions, your D2C brand can stay ahead in a competitive market, ensuring a seamless experience for customers and streamlined operations for your team.

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