CROWS for Indian D2Cs

Learn how CROWS (Conversion Rate Optimisation & Workflow System) helps Indian D2C brands enhance user experience and boost revenue efficiently.

CROWS, Conversion Rate Optimisation & Workflow System

High conversion rate is crucial for success, because conversions makes/breaks a brand!

Hence ⚫ CROWS for Indian D2Cs, i.e., Conversion Rate Optimisation & Workflow System (CROWS), put into action.

  • Conversion Rate depends on the user experience, and
  • CROWS involves analysing & automating to improve Conversion Rate

In India’s fast-growing D2C eCommerce sector, every click matters, every conversion counts, and every workflow must be optimised for maximum efficiency. With more than 800 D2C brands sprouting across the Indian landscape, competition is fierce, and there’s no room for inefficiencies. Conversion Rate Optimisation & Workflow System (CROWS) is the critical element missing from many D2C brands that could drive them from surviving to thriving.

The beauty of CROWS is that it merges Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) with a seamless workflow system, ensuring that every phase—from pre-purchase to post-delivery—is optimised for the best possible customer experience. The result? Better conversions, higher lifetime customer value, and an operational machine that hums like a well-oiled engine.

But CROWS isn’t about quick-fix hacks or surface-level tweaks. It’s a technical, data-driven approach that digs deep into every phase of the customer journey, addresses critical bottlenecks, and sets up efficient workflows to handle potential friction points. If you’re an Indian D2C brand owner, buckle up—we’re about to take a technical dive into what makes CROWS the backbone of your business success.

Let’s talk CRO!

1. What’s the Average Conversion Rate?

Let’s start with the basics: what’s the benchmark? Globally, the average eCommerce conversion rate stands at 2.86%, but Indian D2C brands typically hover around the 1.5% to 2% mark. That’s a good starting point for evaluation, but it’s important to remember that conversion rates vary significantly by industry, product, and audience.

Average Conversion Rate

Although these percentages may seem low, the impact of increasing your conversion rate by even a fraction is staggering. A bump from 1.5% to 2% can translate into 33% more revenue with the same traffic.

2. Your Conversion Rate Might Not Tell the Whole Story

Your conversion rate is a critical metric, but it’s essential to consider it in the context of other key performance indicators (KPIs):

Here’s where things get interesting: your conversion rate is only one piece of the puzzle. Looking at this figure in isolation won’t give you a complete picture of your brand’s potential. A high conversion rate doesn’t necessarily mean you’re optimising revenue. For example:

  • Case study: An Indian D2C electronics brand improved their website’s traffic by 20% through a paid social media campaign but saw their conversion rate drop from 2.0% to 1.6%. Why? The traffic generated was not adequately qualified, meaning a lower percentage of users who visited the site were actually interested in purchasing.

Key factors that might be distorting your conversion rate:

  • Traffic quality: Are you driving the right audience?
  • Cart abandonment: Is your checkout process riddled with friction?
  • Price sensitivity: Are users leaving because your pricing isn’t competitive or transparent?

Understanding these metrics across the entire customer lifecycle—pre-purchase, post-purchase, and post-delivery—can provide a clearer picture of where your real opportunities for optimisation lie.

Impact of Optimisation & Workflow System

Impact of Optimisation & Workflow System

3. Where to Start? The CROWS Framework

When it comes to CROWS, optimisation isn't a one-off task—it’s a continuous process. You’re not just optimising individual touchpoints but weaving an interconnected system that ensures efficiency at every stage.

Let’s break down pre-purchase, post-purchase, and post-delivery optimisation to understand where your D2C brand can plug the gaps.

Pre-Purchase Optimisation

Before a customer even hits the checkout button, there are several potential friction points that can cause drop-offs:

  • Landing page optimisation: The average bounce rate for Indian D2C brands is around 55%, meaning more than half of the visitors leave without even interacting with your page. Simple tweaks—such as reducing load time (every extra second reduces conversions by 7%) or improving copy and design—can make a dramatic difference.
  • Personalisation: Indian consumers are incredibly price-sensitive but also respond well to personalised experiences. Brands that use personalised product recommendations see a conversion rate uplift of 10% to 15%.

Post-Purchase Optimisation

Once the purchase is made, the journey doesn’t end. The post-purchase experience is crucial to ensuring repeat purchases and building loyalty. Research shows that 40% of revenue for leading Indian D2C brands comes from repeat customers.

Steps to optimise the post-purchase workflow:

  • Seamless Order Tracking: A 52% decrease in customer complaints was recorded by a top-tier Indian fashion D2C brand when they integrated real-time tracking into their post-purchase flow. Customers who feel in control of their order are more likely to return.
  • Post-purchase WhatsApp Messages: While most Indian brands send the standard “Thank you for your order” messages, those that send a personalised follow-up (offering discounts on the next purchase) see a 20% increase in repeat sales.

Post-Delivery Optimisation

Here’s where many D2C brands drop the ball: the post-delivery phase. The delivery might be complete, but the brand experience is far from over. Post-delivery processes like returns, exchanges, and feedback collection are critical for long-term success.

  • Easy returns: Studies show that 67% of Indian consumers will not shop again with a brand that offers a poor return experience. Ensuring a hassle-free return policy can boost customer retention by as much as 20%.
  • Feedback loops: A D2C skincare brand saw a 25% reduction in refund requests simply by sending a post-delivery survey to gather feedback. The data collected helped them tweak their product descriptions and packaging, reducing confusion and dissatisfaction.

Checkout and Payment Optimisation: The Silent Conversion Killer

Let’s talk about checkout. A cart abandonment rate of 70% is the norm in Indian eCommerce. That’s seven out of ten customers who express interest but don’t complete their purchase.

Technical Breakdown of Key Checkout Optimisation Steps:

  1. Simplified checkout flow: Fewer fields, guest checkout options, and auto-filling forms can reduce abandonment rates by 35%.
  2. Payment options: Integrating UPI, PayTM, and Google Pay is non-negotiable for Indian D2C brands. Brands that don’t offer local payment options report a 22% higher abandonment rate.
  3. Transparent pricing: Hidden fees at checkout are the #1 reason for cart abandonment, according to 59% of Indian online shoppers. Ensure that taxes, shipping costs, and discounts are visible upfront.

Case Study:

An Indian electronics D2C brand saw their conversion rate jump from 1.8% to 2.4% simply by reducing their checkout steps from six to three and adding UPI integration.

Checkout and Payment Optimisation

Campaign Analysis and Optimisation: From Clicks to Conversions

Running ads is one thing; optimising the entire campaign is another. A well-optimised campaign can turn traffic into revenue, but it requires continuous analysis.

  • Tracking performance: Use UTMs, Google Analytics, and Facebook’s pixel to track campaign performance at a granular level. This data will reveal which campaigns are bringing in the highest ROI.

Key Metrics to Track:

  • CTR (Click-through rate): The average CTR for Indian D2C ads is around 1.1%, but the top 10% of brands see CTRs closer to 2.5%. Optimising your ad copy and creatives can make a massive difference.
  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): For every rupee spent, top-performing Indian D2C brands are seeing a 4X-6X ROAS. Anything below 3X indicates inefficiency in targeting or campaign execution.


A D2C apparel brand shifted focus from broad targeting to a more niche audience on Facebook and Instagram. They saw a 45% increase in ROAS while reducing ad spend by 20%, proving that precision beats volume.

Campaign Analysis and Optimisation

Leveraging Referrals and Other Boosts: A Hidden Gem

Referral marketing is an often underutilised weapon in a D2C brand’s arsenal. Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful tools, especially in the price-sensitive Indian market.

Stats to Consider:

  • Referral programs can increase your customer base by up to 20%, according to data from top D2C brands.
  • Referred customers tend to have a 16% higher lifetime value and a 30% higher conversion rate compared to non-referred users.
Leveraging Referrals and Other Boosts

4. E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips

Automate Processes:

Automation is no longer optional; it’s essential. From customer onboarding to cart abandonment messages across platforms (WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Socials etc), automating workflows can save time and increase efficiency.

  • Example: An Indian home decor brand automated its WhatsApp and Social Media marketing workflow, reducing manual intervention by 70% and increasing their conversion rate by 8% through personalised, triggered campaigns.
  • Cart abandonment recovery: Brands that implement automated cart recovery WhatsApp messages, emails or SMS see an average conversion increase of 15-18%. A major Indian electronics retailer recorded a 35% uplift after integrating an WhatsApp-based cart recovery campaign.

Key Automations to Consider:

  • Personalised messaging (WhatsApp, Email, Instagram etc) workflows: Triggered by user behaviour (e.g., post-purchase, browse abandonment).
  • Automated cart recovery: Via SMS, WhatsApp, or email reminders.
  • Automated feedback collection: Post-purchase surveys to gather data.
E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips

Focus on Merchandising:

Indian customers trust brands with social proof, reliable product listings, and engaging visuals. Merchandising goes beyond product images and descriptions—it’s about presenting your products in a way that maximises their appeal.

Best-sellers and customer reviews: Featuring your most popular products on the homepage or product pages creates a sense of credibility. Studies show that displaying customer reviews can increase conversion rates by 30%.

Social proof: Brands using user-generated content (UGC) and testimonials on their product pages see an 18% higher conversion rate. An Indian apparel brand saw 20% higher conversions after embedding customer photos and reviews prominently on their site.

Focus on Merchandising

Prioritise User Experience:

A clunky website can kill conversions faster than you can say "bounce rate." Prioritising user experience is key to keeping customers engaged from the moment they land on your site to the moment they hit 'buy.'

  • Mobile-first design: Over 70% of online purchases in India are made via mobile, yet many brands still fail to optimise for mobile. Indian D2C brands that made the shift to a mobile-first website saw conversion rate increases of 14% on average.
  • Fast loading times: Studies show that a one-second delay in website load time can decrease conversions by 7%. Indian consumers are particularly impatient with slow websites, especially those with spotty data connections. Reducing your site’s load time can boost conversions by up to 20%.
Prioritise User Experience

Optimise Pricing:

Indian consumers are extremely price-sensitive. A clear, transparent, and optimised pricing strategy is essential for boosting conversions.

  • Transparent pricing: 59% of Indian consumers cite hidden fees at checkout as the primary reason for cart abandonment. Ensure that prices, shipping fees, and taxes are clearly displayed upfront. A D2C electronics brand reduced cart abandonment by 17% just by showing final pricing early in the buying process.
  • Dynamic pricing: Leveraging AI-based dynamic pricing allows you to adjust your prices based on demand, inventory levels, and competitor pricing. Brands using this strategy have seen an 8-10% uplift in conversion rates.
Optimise Pricing

5. Five Steps for a Successful CRO Strategy

Developing a Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) strategy is not a one-time event. It requires continuous monitoring, testing, and iteration. Here’s a technical step-by-step guide to structuring an effective CRO strategy for your Indian D2C brand:

Step 1: Gather Data from Customer Interactions

Collect Historic Data of Individual Customers, and also utilise the data from 500+ Indian D2Cs to compare and evaluate future strategies

Data is the foundation of any CRO strategy. Whether it's through Google Analytics, heatmaps, or A/B testing, every touchpoint with the customer provides insights that can be used to improve the overall shopping experience.

  • Example: An Indian footwear brand used heatmaps to determine that users weren’t interacting with their size guide, leading to a 22% increase in return rates. By moving the size guide above the fold, they reduced returns by 18%.

Step 2: Organise Data into an Actionable Plan

Identify Critical Insights, analyse patterns and trends in the collected data to guide your optimisation strategies.

Collecting data is only the first step—organising and analysing it is where the magic happens. Segment your data based on customer behaviour, such as:

  • Which pages lead to the most drop-offs?
  • What percentage of users abandon their carts?
  • How often do users scroll past key content?

This analysis will allow you to identify the most critical areas for improvement.

Step 3: Pinpoint Areas for Improvement on Your Site

Prioritise High-Impact Zones, focus your efforts on enhancing the checkout process, product pages, and site navigation first.

With data in hand, you can start pinpointing the areas on your site that need improvement. For example, if your checkout process has the highest drop-off rate, focus on streamlining it.

  • Example: An Indian D2C home decor brand noticed a significant drop-off during checkout due to complicated payment options. By adding popular Indian payment methods like UPI and PayTM, their checkout abandonment decreased by 12%.

Step 4: Gather and Analyse Customer Feedback

Employ Surveys and Reviews, obtain direct customer feedback to understand their challenges and preferences.

While data is crucial, customer feedback offers qualitative insights into what's missing from your site. Many Indian D2C brands overlook this critical step, yet it provides invaluable information that could be missed in data analysis.

  • Post-purchase surveys: Sending a survey immediately after the purchase can uncover hidden issues. A D2C skincare brand used this approach to understand why customers weren’t repurchasing and found that product packaging was unclear. Fixing this issue led to a 15% increase in repeat orders.
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score): NPS surveys can help gauge customer satisfaction and pinpoint areas that need improvement, both on the website and with your product offerings.

Step 5: Embrace the Continuous CRO Process

Commit to Ongoing Improvement, treat CRO as an ongoing process, consistently testing and refining your strategies for continuous enhancement.

Conversion Rate Optimisation isn’t a one-off task—it’s an ongoing process. You need to continuously test, measure, and refine your strategy. Conduct A/B tests on different page layouts, CTA buttons, and copy to see what works best.

  • Example: An Indian electronics brand continuously tested various product page layouts. After 4 rounds of A/B testing, they found that changing the placement of product reviews above the fold led to a 10% increase in conversions.

6. Ready to Improve Your CRO?

Get in Touch

Conversion Rate Optimisation isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a critical factor in your brand’s long-term success, especially in India’s competitive D2C market. Whether you’re optimising your checkout flow, automating key processes, or leveraging customer feedback, CRO ensures that every element of your workflow is tuned to convert visitors into loyal customers.

But implementing a successful CRO strategy takes time, expertise, and continuous refinement. That’s where Pragma comes in. As a partner to India’s leading D2C brands, we specialise in building Conversion Rate Optimisation & Workflow Systems (CROWS) that are tailored to the unique challenges of the Indian market.

Ready to take your conversion rates to the next level? Our team at Pragma can help you craft a strategy that’s backed by data and designed for results. Reach out to us for a consultation and start optimising today!

Conclusion: The Future of CROWS, for D2C Ecommerce India

In India’s highly competitive D2C market, the brands that master Conversion Rate Optimisation & Workflow Systems (CROWS) will lead the pack. It’s not about chasing quick fixes but building a system that continuously optimises the customer journey—from the first click to repeat purchases.

By taking a data-driven, technical approach and leveraging the right strategies, Indian D2C brands can not only boost their conversion rates but also streamline their workflows for long-term success.

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